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I am a wife and mother to the most beautiful little girl. I love spending my time with my family and doing crafts. My blog is about anything and everything, whether it be about family, crafts, recipes or fun times!
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Monday, September 17, 2012

Pantry Organizing

I decided to tackle organizing my pantry! Every time I would open the pantry door, I would cringe a little bit at what I saw. It has been so unorganized since we moved in almost 4 years ago. I was and am so embarrassed at the way it looked, but never really did anything because I could just close the door and no one would see it.... right? Well, I would see it multiple times a day and I hated it! I was browsing Pinterest one day and finally got the inspiration to get it all organized. Unfortunately I have such a small pantry (nothing like the nice big ones you see all over Pinterest), so I was worried with how and what I could use to organize it. I wanted to use clear containers for the cereals and oatmeal, but could only find expensive ones everywhere I went. Most place had a box of 4 for around $30! I could not justify spending that much on 4 containers. I made my way to Ikea one day for some curtains, and found some clear containers that were exactly what I was looking for. They were a lot cheaper than anywhere else I have seen them. I went to a couple of places to look for the storage bins as well. I should have known in the beginning that Target would have some great options. Is it just me that is completely obsessed with this store??? I find myself at Target at least once a week! They have some great stuff for such good prices. Once I got home I couldn't wait to start organizing. It probably took me around 20 minutes to do the organizing and I am so happy with the way it looks now. I do not know why I took so long to do this. Here are some before and after pictures:

(Before~ So embarrassing!)

(After~ I love how organized it is now)

We added a shelf at the top to store the CrockPot and Misc. things